
Kumar Rajan Asia Pacific, Bangalore, Culture, Delhi, Destinations, Eastern India, Event, Gujarat, Heritage, Hindu, India, Indian Festival, Karnataka, Karnataka, Kerala, Mysore, Temple, Tourbeetle, Touroperatorsoftware, Tradition, Vadodara, West Bengal 0

The word Navaratri means ‘nine nights’ in Sanskrit, nava meaning nine and ratri meaning nights Navaratri theoretically falls twice or four times a year. Of these, the Sharada Navaratri near autumn equinox (September–October) is the most celebrated The festivities extend beyond goddess Durga and god Rama. Various other goddesses such as Saraswati and Lakshmi, gods Read More…

Kettukazha festival at Duryodhana temple , Malanada

Unni Mohanadas Asia Pacific, Destinations, festival, Hindu, India, Kerala, Pilgrimage, Religious festival, Tourbeetle 0

Location: Kollam, Kerala,India Destination type : Cultural Destination Probably this is the only South Indian Hindu temple dedicated to Duryodhana the antagonist in Hindu epic Mahabharat, Malanada temple draws thousands of devotees. Unlike other Hindu temples, there is no deity, nor a ‘Sreekovil’( sanctum sacntorum ) as such in Malanada temple. Only a platform is Read More…


The word Navaratri means ‘nine nights’ in Sanskrit, nava meaning nine and ratri meaning nights Navaratri theoretically falls twice or four times a year. Of these, the Sharada Navaratri near autumn equinox (September–October) is the most celebrated The festivities extend beyond goddess Durga and god Rama. Various other goddesses such as Saraswati and Lakshmi, gods Read More…

Ganesh Chaturthi

Nowadays Mumbai is the best place to watch the celebrations of Ganesh Chaturthi.   Ganesh Chaturthi falls between 22 August and 20 September every year. Amidst loud bellow of “Ganpati Bappa Morya, Mangal Murti Morya”, in Mumbai commences the Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations each year.   The festival ends on the tenth day after start, when Read More…

Kettukazha festival at Duryodhana temple , Malanada

Location: Kollam, Kerala,India Destination type : Cultural Destination Probably this is the only South Indian Hindu temple dedicated to Duryodhana the antagonist in Hindu epic Mahabharat, Malanada temple draws thousands of devotees. Unlike other Hindu temples, there is no deity, nor a ‘Sreekovil’( sanctum sacntorum ) as such in Malanada temple. Only a platform is Read More…