Auspicious temples, where Keralites celebrate navratri

Sookshmatech Asia Pacific, Culture, Event, festival, India, Kerala, Religious festival, Touroperatorsoftware, Uncategorized 0

Navaratri, which means nine nights, falls in the months of September / October, every year. Traditionally this is an auspicious time for starting new ventures.The last three days of Navratri are considered important. Durgashtami Durgashtami evening (Poojavaippu) Just before the Poojavaipu, all studies and work which mainly require skill, are suspended.Durgashtami day, is the day Read More…

Kettukazha festival at Duryodhana temple , Malanada

Unni Mohanadas Asia Pacific, Destinations, festival, Hindu, India, Kerala, Pilgrimage, Religious festival, Tourbeetle 0

Location: Kollam, Kerala,India Destination type : Cultural Destination Probably this is the only South Indian Hindu temple dedicated to Duryodhana the antagonist in Hindu epic Mahabharat, Malanada temple draws thousands of devotees. Unlike other Hindu temples, there is no deity, nor a ‘Sreekovil’( sanctum sacntorum ) as such in Malanada temple. Only a platform is Read More…

Auspicious temples, where Keralites celebrate navratri

Navaratri, which means nine nights, falls in the months of September / October, every year. Traditionally this is an auspicious time for starting new ventures.The last three days of Navratri are considered important. Durgashtami Durgashtami evening (Poojavaippu) Just before the Poojavaipu, all studies and work which mainly require skill, are suspended.Durgashtami day, is the day Read More…

Kettukazha festival at Duryodhana temple , Malanada

Location: Kollam, Kerala,India Destination type : Cultural Destination Probably this is the only South Indian Hindu temple dedicated to Duryodhana the antagonist in Hindu epic Mahabharat, Malanada temple draws thousands of devotees. Unlike other Hindu temples, there is no deity, nor a ‘Sreekovil’( sanctum sacntorum ) as such in Malanada temple. Only a platform is Read More…