A brief history of houseboats in Kerala

Backwaters of Kerala and the housboats in those backwaters are world famous. The houstboats has been in Kerala for a very long time. For somany centuries , goods transportation was done using covered boats or Kettuvaloms in Kerala.
Location : Kerala, India
Destination type : Backwater destination
Early history of Houseboats ( Till 16th century BCE)
- Prototypes of houseboats were supposed to be built initially during 3000 BCE
- The purpose of these were to transport goods
- For centuries these boats were used to carry goods through the canals
Medieval history( 16th century to 20th century)
- Europeans and Arabs started travelling to Kerala frequently for spices
- The demand of spices increased the requirement of its transporting
- This triggered the increase in Kettuvallam or covered boats
- The oars men would be cooking and sleeping in the boats in their journey
Recent history ( 21st century CE)
- During early 1990s CE first houseboat carrying couple of tourists started its journey
- The initial trip was in Alleppey- Kollam water way
- The roadshows on Kerala tourism during the 21st century CE made Kerala houseboats popular across the world
- On January 26, 2013 CE, a houseboat capsized at Alleppey killing four tourists which spurred the talks on increasing security measures
- With more awareness on environment pollution , eco friendly houseboats started operation in Kerala backwaters recently
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Photo courtesy: By PrasanPadale – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=49569031
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