A brief history of houseboats in Kerala

Unni Mohanadas Destinations 0

Backwaters of Kerala and the housboats in those backwaters are world famous. The houstboats has been in Kerala for a very long time. For somany centuries , goods transportation was done using covered boats or Kettuvaloms in Kerala.

Location : Kerala, India

Destination type : Backwater destination

Early history of Houseboats ( Till 16th century BCE)

  1. Prototypes of houseboats were supposed to be built initially during 3000 BCE
  2. The purpose of these were to transport goods
  3. For centuries these boats were used to carry goods through the canals

Medieval history( 16th century to 20th century)

  1. Europeans and Arabs started travelling to Kerala frequently for spices
  2. The demand of spices increased the requirement of its transporting 
  3. This triggered the increase in Kettuvallam or covered boats
  4. The oars men would be cooking and sleeping in the boats in their journey 

Recent history ( 21st century CE)

  1. During early 1990s CE first houseboat carrying couple of tourists started its journey
  2. The initial trip was in Alleppey- Kollam water way
  3. The roadshows on Kerala tourism during the 21st century CE made Kerala houseboats popular across the world
  4. On January 26, 2013 CE, a houseboat capsized at Alleppey killing four tourists which spurred the talks on increasing security measures
  5. With more awareness on environment pollution , eco friendly houseboats started operation in Kerala backwaters recently

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Photo courtesy: By PrasanPadale – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=49569031

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